Rib is the language used by the Worker Gateway that enables users to write programs capable of manipulating worker responses, which are WebAssembly (WASM) values.
Rib uses the WAVE (WebAssembly Value Encoding) (opens in a new tab) syntax for encoding values.
Rib Grammar
below defines the grammar of Rib.
rib_expr ::= simple_expr rib_expr_rest
rib_expr_rest ::= (binary_op simple_expr)*
simple_expr ::=
| list_reduce
| pattern_match
| let_binding
| conditional
| selection_expr
| flag
| record
| code_block
| tuple
| sequence
| boolean_literal
| literal
| not
| option
| result
| identifier
| call
| number
let_binding ::= "let" let_variable (":" type_name)? "=" rib_expr
conditional ::= "if" rib_expr "then" rib_expr "else" rib_expr
selection_expr ::= select_field | select_index
select_field ::= selection_base_expr "." identifier
select_index ::= selection_base_expr "[" pos_num "]"
nested_indices ::= "[" pos_num "]" ("," "[" pos_num "]")*
flag ::= "{" flag_names "}"
flag_names ::= flag_name ("," flag_name)*
flag_name ::= (letter | "_" | digit | "-")+
record ::= "{" record_fields "}"
record_fields ::= field ("," field)*
field ::= field_key ":" rib_expr
field_key ::= (letter | "_" | digit | "-")+
code_block ::= rib_expr (";" rib_expr)*
code_block_unit ::= code_block ";"
selection_base_expr ::= select_index | select_field | identifier | sequence | tuple
tuple ::= "(" ib_expr ("," rib_expr)* ")"
sequence ::= "[" rib_expr ("," rib_expr)* "]"
call ::= function_name ("(" argument ("," argument)* ")")?
function_name ::= variant | enum | worker_function_call
enum ::= identifier
variant ::= identifier ( "(" rib_expr ")" ) ?
argument ::= rib_expr
list_comprehension ::= "for" identifier_text "in" expr "{"
"yield" expr ";"
list_reduce ::= "reduce" identifier_text"," identifier_text "in" expr "from" expr "{"
"yield" expr ";"
binary_op ::= ">=" | "<=" | "==" | "<" | ">" | "&&" | "||" | "+" | "-" | "*" | "/"
text ::= letter (letter | digit | "_" | "-")*
pos_num ::= digit+
number ::= pos_num (":" type_name)?
literal ::= "\"" (static_term | dynamic_term)* "\""
static_term ::= (letter | space | digit | "_" | "-" | "." | "/" | ":" | "@")+
dynamic_term ::= "${" rib_expr "}"
boolean_literal ::= "true" | "false"
not ::= "!" rib_expr
option ::= "some" "(" rib_expr ")" | "none"
result ::= "ok" "(" rib_expr ")" | "error" "(" rib_expr ")"
identifier ::= identifier_text
identifier_text ::= letter (letter | digit | "_" | "-")*
type_name := basic_type | list_type | tuple_type | option_type | result_type
basic_type ::= "bool" | "s8" | "u8" | "s16" | "u16" | "s32" | "u32" | "s64" | "u64" | "f32" | "f64" | "char" | "string"
list_type ::= "list" "<" (basic_type | list_type | tuple_type | option_type | result_type) ">"
tuple_type ::= "tuple" "<" (basic_type | list_type | tuple_type | option_type | result_type) ("," (basic_type | list_type | tuple_type | option_type | result_type))* ">"
option_type ::= "option" "<" (basic_type | list_type | tuple_type | option_type | result_type) ">"
result_type ::= "result" "<" (basic_type | list_type | tuple_type | option_type | result_type) "," (basic_type | list_type | tuple_type | option_type | result_type) ">"
The following sections show some examples of each construct.
Rib scripts can be multiline, and it should be separated by ;
Return type of a Rib script
The last expression in the Rib script is the return value of the script. The last line in Rib script
shouldn't end with a ;
, as this is a syntax error.
Most of the time you need to specify the type of the number as it can be u8, u16, f32 or any of the WASM types representing numbers.
Another way to annotate type is
let x: f64 = 1;
This is a parsed as a number of type u64. Similarly -1
is parsed as a number of type i64 and 1.1
is parsed as a number of type f64.
Sometimes, you may not need to explicitly specify the type if you are passing the variable to a function that expects a specific number type. In this case, Rib can infer the types. Otherwise, you need to explicitly mention it.
This is parsed as a string literal. If the strings are not wrapped with quotes, then it is considered as a identifier.
This is parsed as a boolean true. Similarly false
is parsed as a boolean literal.
Variable identifier
This is parsed as a Rib
variable expression and evaluating such an expression can fail if the value of this variable is not available in the context of evaluation.
This implies, if you are running Rib specifying a wasm component
through worker-gateway
in golem
, then Rib
has the access to look at component metadata.
If Rib
finds this variable foo
in the component metadata,then it tries to infer its types.
If such a variable is not present in the wasm component (i.e, you can cross check this in WIT file of the component),
then technically there are two possibilities. Rib will choose to fail the compilation or consider it as a global variable input.
A global input is nothing but Rib
expects foo
to be passed in to the evaluator of Rib script (somehow).
Since you are using Rib
from the worker-gateway part of golem
the only valid global variable supported is request
and nothing else.
This would mean, it will fail compilation.
# Sequence of numbers
[1, 2, 3]
# Sequence of strings
["foo", "bar", "baz"]
# Sequence of record
[{a: "foo"}, {b : "bar"}]
This is parsed as a sequence of values. While the values can be of any type, similar to any dynamic language, evaluation may fail with error if we mix different types in a sequence.
In other words, Rib
evaluator do expect the values in a sequence to be of the same type.
{ name: "John", age: 30u16 }
{ city: "New York", population: 8000000u64 }
{ name: "John", age: 30u16, { country: "France", capital: "Paris" } }
This is parsed as a WASM
Record. The syntax is inspired from WASM-WAVE
Note that keys are not considered as variables. They are considered as literal strings (representing key name of a record element), even in the absence of quotes.
Why age is 30u16
instead of 30
? If Rib infers the overall type of record (from the context), then you may not need to explicitly specify the type of 30
in the above example.
However most of the times, you will need to specify the number types. We will try to be improve this part of Rib
by providing some flexibility.
(1u8, 100u32, 20.1f32)
This is also equivalent to the following in Rib.
let k: (u8, u32, f32) = (1, 100, 20.1);
This is parsed as a tuple of values. Unlike sequence
, the values in a tuple can be of different types.
("foo", 1, {a: "bar"})
{ Foo, Bar, Baz }
This is parsed as Flag type in WASM. The values are separated by comma.
Selection of Field
A field can be selected from an Rib
expression if it is a Record
type. For example, foo.user
is a valid selection given foo
is a variable that gets evaluated to a record value.
let foo = { name: "John", age: 30u16 };
You can also inline as given below:
{ name: "John", age: 30u16 }.name
Selection of Index
This is selecting an index from a sequence value.
let x = [1, 2, 3];
You can also inline as given below
[1, 2, 3][0]
Request and selection of Fields
If you are using worker-gatway to upload API definitions, you can use the variable request
in your Rib script,
and that will be considered as a global input. worker-gateway
will ensure to pass the value of request
to the
rib evaluator internally.
Please refer to worker-gateway documents for more details.
To select the body field in request,
To select a header from the request
To select the value of a path or query variable in your http request.
Please note that Rib by itself don't support a keyword such as request
, or path
or body
or headers
However these values are fed by the worker gateway. Please refer to worker-gateway documentations for more details.
Type Inference with Request Variables
Note that Rib infers types of the values only if the value is being passed to a worker function directly or indirectly. This is because Rib knows the argument types of a worker function and it can infer the values based on these types.
However, in situations where you have a standalone script such as request.body
, it cannot infer the types and it will fail to compile. The best way
to fix the compil time errors is to annotate it the type.
let x: string = request.body;
Say the request body is a record
in Json, as given below. Rib
sees it as a WASM
Record type.
"user": "Alice",
"age": 30u32
Then we can use Rib language to select the field user
, as it considers this request's body as a WASM
Record type.
let x: string = request.body.user;
Invoke Worker Functions using Rib
let worker_result = worker_function_name(request.body);
{ body: worker_result.user, headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" } }
If the worker response is a record, then we can select the field in the response as follows
"user": "Alice",
"age": 30u32
in Rib
is WASM Result, which can take the shape of ok
or err
. This is similar to Result
type in std Rust
A Result
can be Ok
of a value, or an Err
of a value.
"user": "ok(Alice)",
"age": 30u32
Option Expr
in corresponding to WASM , which can take the shape of Some
or None
. This is similar to Option
type in std Rust
An Option
can be Some
of a value, or None
The syntax is inspired from wasm wave.
Comparison Operators
let x: u8 = 1;
let y: u8 = 2;
x + y
Math operations
let x: u8 = 1;
let y: u8 = 2;
x + y
Similarly, we can use other comparison operators like >=
, <=
, ==
, <
Both operands should be a valid Rib code that points/evaluated to a number or string.
Conditional Statement
let id: u32 = 10;
if id > 3 then "higher" else "lower"
The structure of the conditional statement is if <condition> then <then-rib-expr> else <else-rib-expr>
where condition-expr
is an expr that should get evaluated to boolean.
The then-rib-expr
or else-rib-expr
can be an any valid rib code, which could be another if else
let id: u32 = request.user.id;
if id > 3 then "higher" else if id == 3 then "equal" else "lower"
You must ensure that the branches (then branch and else branch) resolve to the same type. Otherwise, Rib will fail to compile.
Pattern Matching
let res: result<str, str> = ok("foo");
match res {
ok(v) => v,
err(msg) => msg
This would probably be your go-to construct when you are dealing with complex data structures like result
or option
or other custom variant
(WASM Variant)
that comes out as the response of a worker function
let worker_result = my_worker_function_name(1, "jon");
match worker_result {
ok(x) => "foo",
err(msg) => "error"
Exhaustive pattern matching
If the pattern match is not exhaustive, then it will throw compilation errors
Example: The following pattern matching is invalid
match worker_result {
some(x) => "found",
This will result in following error:
Error: Non-exhaustive pattern match. The following patterns are not covered: `none`.
To ensure a complete match, add these patterns or cover them with a wildcard (`_`) or an identifier.
Now, let's say your worker responded with a variant
Note on variant: A variant statement defines a new type where instances of the type match exactly one of the variants listed for the type.
This is similar to a "sum" type in algebraic datatype (or an enum in Rust if you're familiar with it).
Variants can be thought of as tagged unions as well.
Pattern Match on Variants
Given you are using Rib through worker bridge, which knows about component metadata,
then, let's say we have a variant of type as given below responded from the worker
, when invoking a function called foo
variant my_variant {
bar( {a: u32,b: string }),
then, the following will work:
let x = foo("abc");
match x {
bar({a: _, b: _}) => "success",
foo(some_list) => some_list[0]
Variables in the context of pattern matching
In all of the above, there exist a variable in the context of pattern.
Example x
in ok(x)
or msg
in err(msg)
or x
in some(x)
or x
in bar(x)
or x
in foo(x)
These variables are bound to the value that is being matched.
Example, given the worker response is ok(1), the following match expression will result in 2
let result = my-worker-function("foo");
match result {
ok(x) => x + 1,
err(msg) => 0
The following match expression will result in "c", if the worker response was variant value foo(["a", "b", "c"])
and will result in "a" if the worker.response
was variant value bar({a: 1, b: "a"})
let result = my-worker-function();
match result {
bar(x) => x.b,
foo(x) => x[1]
Wild card patterns
In some of the above examples, the binding variables are unused. We can use _
as a wildcard pattern to indicate that we don't care about the value.
match worker.response {
bar(_) => "bar",
foo(_) => "foo"
Let Binding
We have already seen let
binding in the above examples. Here is another set of examples.
let worker_response = foo("bar");
let a = { age: 10u8, city: "New York", name: "foo" };
match worker_response {
Admin(_) => {age: "**", city: "***", name: "***" },
User(x) => a
Or even as simple as:
let x = { a : 1u32 };
let y = { b : 2u32 };
let z = x.a > y.b;
List Comprehension
let x = ["foo", "bar"];
for p in x {
yield p;
List Aggregation
let ages: list<u16> = [1, 2, 3];
reduce z, a in ages from 0 {
yield z + a;
As mentioned above, return value of the script is the last expression in the script, and in this case, it is of the type boolean.
Known issues and Limitations
Rib has become a typed script as part of 1.0 release, and is probably the newest entry into the whole ecosystem of Golem. We are making great improvements in this space and there will be constant release especially in the space of Rib.
Incomplete syntax errors. We are working on this. For the most part a syntax (parser errors) comes from the following:
- Missing semicolon at the end of the every Rib statement.
- Adding a semicolon at the end of the last line in your Rib script. Rib will fail to compile in this case.
- Missing closing curly braces.
- Missing closing square brackets
- Missing comma in sequence elements.
- Invalid function names.
Complex compiler error messages. We are working on this
Compiler errors occur when you don't specify the type of numbers. Example
will fail whil1u8
will not. This is because Rib is typed and is trying to infer a proper WASM type. We will see how to improve this.