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JSON - WAVE mapping

The invocation API uses a special JSON format to describe invocation parameters and results. As the parameter and result types are defined by the Web Assembly components, the natural way to encode parameter and return values is the WAVE (WebAssembly Value Encoding) (opens in a new tab) format.

When using the REST API, the JSON-encoded values must be extended with a JSON-encoded type information as well. This is described in details in the Invoke via HTTP page.

When using the CLI tool, it is possible to either use the WAVE format directly, or use this JSON format as described in details in the Invoke via CLI page.

The following sections define how each WASM type and it's correspodning WAVE value encoding is mapped to Golem's value JSON format.

Primitive types

WIT typeJSON typeDescription
boolJSON booleanPrimitive boolean type
u8JSON numberUnsigned 8-bit integer
s8JSON numberSigned 8-bit integer
u16JSON numberUnsigned 16-bit integer
s16JSON numberSigned 16-bit integer
u32JSON numberUnsigned 32-bit integer
s32JSON numberSigned 32-bit integer
u64JSON numberUnsigned 64-bit integer
s64JSON numberSigned 64-bit integer
f32JSON number32-bit floating point number
f64JSON number64-bit floating point number
charJSON numberUTF-8 character
stringJSON stringString


The following WIT type:

tuple<u32, string, char>

is encoded in WAVE as

(1234, "hello world", 'g')

and in JSON as an array of the items:

[1234, "hello world", 103]


The following WIT type:


is encoded in WAVE as

["one", "two", "three"]

and in JSON as an array of the items:

["one", "two", "three"]


The following WIT type:


is encoded in WAVE by one of the following:

"implicit some", some("explicit some"), none

In the JSON representation we use null to reprsent none and the inner value if defined:

"implicit some"


For the following WIT type:

result<string, string>

The WAVE representation is

"implicit ok", ok("explicit ok"), err("explicit err")

The result type is represented in JSON by an object with either an ok or an err field:

{ "ok": "explicit ok" }
{ "err": "explicit err" }

If the type is unit in the WIT definition, the JSON representation should use null:

result<_, string>
{ "ok": null }


Handles are identifying resources and returned by invoking resource constructors through the Golem invocation API. Handles are represented as strings in the JSON format and they are not supported by WAVE.

Handles must not be constructed by hand, just forwarded to method invocations as they were returned from the constructors.

Example handle value in JSON representation:



Records are a collection of named fields. The JSON representation uses the same names as they appear in the WIT definition:

record {
    a: string,
    b: u32

An example WAVE encoding for such a record is:

{ a: "hello", b: 1234 }

The JSON representation is just an object with the same field names:

{ "a": "hello", "b": 1234 }


Variants are encoded in JSON by an object with a single field, where the field's name matches one of the variant's cases:

variant allowed-destinations {

The WAVE encoding for such a variant is

none, any, restricted(["one", "two", "three"])

In JSON the object's single field encodes the case, and the value is null if it has no inner value in the type:

{ "none": null }
{ "any": null }
{ "restricted": ["one", "two", "three"] }


Enums are simply encoded by the case name as a JSON string.

For example:

enum {

The WAVE encoding for such an enum is:

low, medium high

and in JSON:



Flags represent a set of selected values.

Take the following example WIT type:

flags allowed-methods {

The WAVE encoding lists zero or more elements of the flags within {}:

{get, put}

The JSON representation is an array of the selected values, each represented by a string:

["get", "put"]