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Services are using following types of storage:

Component Service

Service is using RDB and Blob storage as data storage.

RDB tables:

componentsComponents data - id, name
component_versionsVersion specific components data - version, component metadata

See RDB migrations (opens in a new tab) for more details.

Blob storage is used to store components binary data.

Worker Service

Service is using RDB as data storage.

RDB tables:

api_definitionsAPI definitions data
api_deploymentsAPI deployments data

See RDB migrations (opens in a new tab) for more details.

Shard Manager

Service is using Redis as data storage. Redis is used to store shard assignments. Shard assignments are stored in one record with key shard:shard_manager_state.

Component Compilation Service

Service is using Blob storage as data storage.

Worker Executor

See the persistence page for more details about how the worker state get persisted.