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Python Language Guide

Setup development environment for Python

Python programs can be compiled into WASM components using the tool componentize-py. For Golem you should use our forked version of this tool, as it pins all its dependencies to the one required by Golem Cloud.

First install Python 3 to your system and once you have access to the pip package manager, install componentize-py using:

$ pip install componentize-py==0.16.0
$ componentize-py --version
componentize-py 0.16.0

Install WebAssembly tooling for Worker to Worker communication

Using Worker to Worker communication requires Rust and WASM tooling, because golem RPC client stubs are generated and implemented as Rust components.

Install Rust

Install rustup

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh

Install the latest stable version of Rust

rustup install stable && rustup default stable

Add the WASI target

rustup target add wasm32-wasip1